
The Vodacom Supplier Portal aims to:

Facilitate the relationship of potential suppliers with Vodacom. Potential suppliers, when registering on the Portal:

  • They can present, in a simple and quick way, their capabilities and products / services they sell, without the need to set up a face-to-face meeting with the Vodacom purchasing manager.
  • Can request changes to all supplier information (email, bank details, company representative details, and more).
  • Can request clarification on Vodacom's purchasing processes.
  • Promote and share good practices with suppliers.

The market consultation processes are carried out by traditional means, i.e, through the sending of e-mail with Specifications and receipt of proposals also via e-mail.

Companies that are invited to participate in market consultations must complete their registration process on our Supplier Portal. We will not review competitor proposals if they are not registered.

Yes, for a supplier to be consulted, it first must be registered in the Vodacom Supplier Portal.

We may also invite unregistered suppliers to participate in market consultation processes, but we will not carry out any selection / adjudication until the respective supplier has completed its registration process.

The following steps must be taken:

  • Step 1: Click on “Start my Registration” on the Suppliers Portal and fill out the Pre-registration form (with the details of the entity and the contact person);
  • Step 2: Add the mandatory documents;
  • Step 3: Confirm the pre-registration according to the instructions of the automatic email that is sent after submitting the request.

The registration consists of:

  • Filling in and uploading a form with a set of relevant information from the supplier, which allows Vodacom to analyze the technical, operational, commercial and financial capabilities of the supplier.
  • Uploading relevant documents (balance sheet, certificates, permits, ...)

Much of the data on the registration form is already required whenever the suppliers participate in a selection process.

After the registration, a Supplier participating in a Selection process launched by Vodacom, will no longer need to add this data to the proposal.

The Pre-registration data on the Vodacom Supplier Portal is protected by the company's confidentiality commitment.

See the Privacy Policy - Commitment to Confidentiality and Protection of Personal Data by clicking here.

Supplier data will not be disclosed or accessible to third parties, directly or indirectly. Internally, the data is also protected by electronic access attributed exclusively to a competent and specifically authorized team from our Supply Chain Management department.

We also guarantee that the Supplier's representative will have exclusive access to the data of his entity, being able to consult and / or modify them in the Supplier Portal.


Follow these steps:

  • Fill in or change the Pre-Registration data;
  • Accept the Privacy Policy
  • Click "Confirm”